Millbury, MA Child Photographer | Dance Has Taken Over Our Lives!
If you follow me on Instagram, you can probably guess that dance has taken over the lives of the Shenette household for the past couple of months. Three competitions, full day of dance photos, two dress rehearsals, two recitals, and then all of the regularly scheduled practices with a few more sprinkled in for good measure. Phew! I sure am exhausted from it all, and I'm only in charge of chauffeuring, hair, makeup, sewing, inventory (which is probably the most frustrating! Where the heck did I put that teeny sequined wrist band when we ripped it off quickly during a costume change), and costume changes; I don't even have to dance! It's a ton of work for everyone, and it's definitely a huge commitment (one of those early Sunday morning competitions nearly put us over the edge...COFFEE saved the day on that one!) , but I wouldn't change the smile and excitement on my little girl's face when she gets to perform on stage. This is her 6th recital with the Cathy Taylor School of Dance, and she's loved her time there. Here are just a few snapshots from the past couple of months!
Headliners Competition in Springfield, MA
Passing the time backstage with a little Rainbow Loom
Time to stretch!
Marking the stage for Arabian Nights Production (if you look closely you can see the little camel in the background :p)
The Camels from Arabian Nights
Getting ready for Life is A Highway
Quick photo of Blue Suede Shoes
Turn It Up Competition in Bellingham, MA
I am NOT smiling! I have been up since 5am!!!
One dance down, and I'm starting to wake up a bit.
Picture day...just a few quick ones outside between changes.